
Welcome to the website of the All Hallows Area Association - the residents' association serving parts of Drumcondra in Dublin, Ireland. This website was recently launched to help serve our members. You can find out more about us on our about page, learn about our events past and future here, see some of our photos, get in contact and more. We plan to develop the website and keep it fresh over time, so please do let us know what you'd like us to include. We're also keen to hear from our members and will happily feature content on our blog if you would like to contribute something. Contact Us for anything we can help with!

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DCC North Central City Neighbourhoods Awards

Robert Mc Cutcheon with Cllr Naoise O Muiri at the DCC North Central City Neighbourhoods Awards. AHAA was awarded 3rd place in the “Cleanup Day” category. Congratulations to residents for your efforts.

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Planters on Griffith Avenue

Following an enquiry by All Hallows Area Association to Dublin City Council regarding the new planters installed on Griffith Avenue, we received the following response which we'd like to bring to the attention of our members.

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Post AGM Followups

This post is an update on some of the correspondence we’ve had with our public representatives and Dublin City Council on topics of interest to you at our AGM on March 30th 2022.

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