AHAA AGM 2023 Meeting Minutes & topics raised

The Draft Minutes of the AGM held on 29th March 2023 are now available here.

A note on the current status of some of the issues raised by residents is as follows.

Questions raised at the AGM 2023.
Several issues were raised by residents for discussion at the meeting. There was good exchange of information among participants. Below is a summary of the main issues of interest to residents and their current status. The Committee will keep residents informed about progress on our continued engagement with Dublin City Council. The AHAA would like to thank our local public representatives for the contribution to the discussions at the meeting.


1.     Status of works at Rosmini Secondary school.
 Councilor Naoise O Muiri told the meeting that work on Rosmini School Site had been stopped at the end of March pending the submission of documentation to DCC. The developer had recently submitted the required documentation and it is awaiting certification by the Parks and other relevant departments in DCC.

2.     Amount of traffic using Griffith walk to avoid the lights at Grace Park Road and Philipsburg Avenue
The AHAA Committee is following up this matter with local residents and with DCC

3.     Condition of the stone Boundary wall of All hallows College along Church Avenue
Since the AGM, one of our committee members has met with DCU raised the matter of the condition of the stone wall along Church Avenue. He was advised that the COO (Chief Operating Officer) of DCU is actively working with engineers and assessing what needs to be done to resolve the situation.

Arrangements have been made for local residents to liaise directly with the COO and to keep neighbours informed about progress.

4.     Reinstatement of the Grass Verges on Drumcondra Road Upper.
The AHAA Committee is following up this matter with DCC.

5.     Request to extend the yellow box on the Swords Road at the Junction with Griffith Downs.
 The AHAA Committee is following up this matter with DCC.

6.      Traffic Turning Right at the junction of Griffith Avenue and the Swords Road.
Councillors Deirdre Heney and Naoise O Muiri have put questions to the relevant officials in DCC about the problems experienced by residents of Griffith Ave on account of the sequence of the traffic light changes and the short lane for traffic turning right onto the Swords Road. The following DCC response to a question from Cllr O Muiri explains the DCC policy approach on the issues.

Question in the name of Councillor Naoise O’Muiri


“To ask the Area Manager In relation to the junction of Griffith Avenue and the Drumcondra Road can the Manager request that ITS add some additional time to the green phase for those travelling west-bound on Griffith Avenue as local residents tell me that it is very short resulting in cars in the main traffic lane running up on the outside and encroaching on the eastbound lane in their efforts to make the right-hand filter”


Thank you for your query. Dublin City Council policy priorities Active and Sustainable Travel modes across the city.

In line with this policy, Active Travel measures have been implemented at the junction of Swords Road / Griffith Avenue. An extra pedestrian crossing has been added on the south side approach and all the traffic islands have been removed.

Additionally, Griffith Avenue now has protected cycle lanes in each direction. Cyclists along Griffith Avenue are offered a green ‘early start’, protecting cyclists from left turning vehicles.

The above measures have slightly reduced the green time available to vehicles each cycle of the traffic signals (Traffic signal cycle is the time whereby all approaches and the pedestrian crossings are serviced before cycle restarts)

The Swords Road is a major city artery with heavy north / south / airport traffic and is a major public transport route. Consequently, it receives a majority of available green time and traffic signal bus priority measures also allocate extra green time to the Swords Road on detection of an approaching bus.

These measures can result in some loss of available green time for vehicles approaching on Griffith Avenue approaches to the junction, but all measures onsite are in line with Dublin City Council’s policy of prioritising active and sustainable travel modes in the city. Driver behaviour such as driving up the outside of traffic in order to get ahead of a queue of traffic is an unsafe manoeuvre and is a matter for roads policing, which is the remit of An Garda Siochana. A request will be submitted to An Garda Siochana to monitor this location.

The traffic signals at the junction are controlled by City Council's Urban Traffic Management System, SCATS. SCATS is an adaptive traffic control system that automatically alters signal timings, in real time, based on traffic demand taken from on street vehicle detectors.

In addition, traffic in the city is monitored 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by the City Council's Traffic Control Centre and amendments are made in SCATS in response to incidents and problems / congestion as they arise.

The ITS section will continue to monitor the junction operation and amend traffic signal timings and sequences as required, where there is scope to do so.

Contact: Seán Fallon, Executive ITS Officer, Transportation.

Email: sean.fallon@dublincity.ie





 May 2023.