Information on road works on Griffith Avenue
All Hallows Area Association enquired about the roadworks currently ongoing on Griffith Avenue with Dublin City Council. Below is a list of the licences issued by the Council for on-street civil works, along with the dates they are expected to be completed by.
As there are several works ongoing through September, and the schools on the Avenue opening this and next week, we would expect there to be significant disruption in traffic flow on the Avenue and therefore in the surrounding area.
We would like to remind all road users to be patient, park legally and be respectful of residents, and all those using Griffith Avenue - especially the young children coming and going from school on foot and by bicycle. They are particularly vulnerable with so much traffic up and down the Avenue at present.
Parking has been an ongoing challenge on Griffith Avenue, and especially given the amount of parking being taken up with Griffith Woods (Cairn development) workers so we would remind those parking in the area to leave plenty of time for your journey, to avoid parking on pavements and in front of residents driveways.
For more information on current Roadworks, Licences and Information and contact details to make a complaint to Dublin City Council see their website here.