AHAA Submission to Draft Dublin City Biodiversity Action Plan
Draft Dublin City Biodiversity Action Plan (2021-2025)
Dublin City Council (DCC) has recently finished its public consultation on its Draft Dublin City Biodiversity Action Plan (2021-2025). It is their third such plan. The Draft Plan is based on six themes that focus the outcomes for biodiversity conservation required across the city. These are:
Maintaining Nature in the City
Restoring Nature in the City
Building for Biodiversity
Dublin as a Green Capital City
Understanding Biodiversity in the City
Partnering for Biodiversity
The draft plan can be accessed by clicking here.
Consultation Process
All Hallows Area Association (AHAA) regards the short timeframe (one week) in which we were expected to make a submission as unsatisfactory for a voluntary residents’ association and we said so to DCC. The Association has been actively engaged in the initiation of biodiversity projects in its locality, including ongoing and constructive liaison with City Council officials. We offered our submission in this context and in the hope that future consultations with local groups is conducted in a more timely and comprehensive way.
The AHAA submission to this consultation process can be accessed by clicking here.