AHAA Submission on Griffith Avenue Cycleway
Following recent Committee discussions and having received input from some of our members, the All Hallows Area Association have provided the following input to Dublin City Council on the proposed Cycleway on Griffith Avenue.
4 October 2020
To: COVIDMOBILITY@dublincity.ie (Griffith Avenue)
Dear Covid Mobility,
Re: Cycleway on Griffith Avenue.
I write on behalf of All Hallows Area Association. Our residents’ association comprises residents living on Griffith Avenue from the Drumcondra Road to the Malahide Road. It includes residents living on twelve surrounding roads, including Drumcondra Road, Grace Park Road, Calderwood Road, Glandore Road, Griffith Walk and Beresford which lead directly on to Griffith Avenue.
The All Hallows Area Association welcomes the plan for a segregated cycleway along Griffith Avenue. We are pleased to see the progress with the cycleway at the St Mobhi Road end of Griffith Avenue and the prompt publication of the design for the section running to Walnut Rise.
We offer the following comments for your consideration in drawing up the detailed design for the cycleway along this section of Griffith Avenue. At this point, we do not know whether it is intended that the cycleway will be on both sides of the road or whether it will be on the footpath in some parts of the Avenue. We note that the existing cycleway along Griffith Avenue from Philipsburg Avenue to the Malahide road has 3 lanes in all. There are 2 lanes, one on the footpath and one on the road, on the northern side of the Avenue where there is a church, a credit union, a site under development, three schools and only one private house. On the south side of the Avenue, which is lined by private houses, the cycleway is on the road and only operates Monday to Friday at certain times. Provision is made for short term and set down parking on the road near the schools.
The wide tree lined footpaths on Griffith Avenue are highly valued by locals and visitors to the area. People of all ages and mobility abilities can walk safely and the long avenue is used by joggers, dog walkers, families with buggies and young children walking and cycling to school. It is truly a unique community leisure resource. All Hallows Area Association submits that, if part of the cycleway is to be on the path, it is important that the design takes account of the way the avenue is used by hundreds of people every day and that its leisure and amenity character is protected so that pedestrians can continue to enjoy it safely.
We have a concern about potential consequences of the withdrawal of car parking along Griffith Avenue, particularly at the Dominican College and where residents have no private parking. We would not like to see a situation where cars are parked on the footpath or on the tree lined grass verges, as can be observed in parts of the Avenue. It is damaging to the trees and the footpath and unsafe for pedestrians.
We submit that, in the design, consideration needs to be given to parking arrangements (including set down parking) for Dominican College and for residents in houses with no driveways. In particular, parking arrangements will be needed for residents in Nos 125 to 149- a terrace of 13 houses. Consideration also needs to be given to access requirements, to the GP and Dental practices on Griffith Avenue, for people with reduced mobility.
Leaf fall and cleaning the gullies
The leaf fall is a very significant issue each year right along Griffith Avenue on both the footpath and the sides of the roads. The cycleway design needs to make provision for the clean-up of leaves and regular clearing of gullies and drains. This is essential for the safety of pedestrians and cyclists and to stop blockages and consequent flooding along the road and footpath.
Consultation with residents
We regret that the present Covid restrictions do not allow for a wider and more in-depth consultation with local residents of Griffith Avenue and pedestrians and road users. We note that the cycleway will operate on a trial basis. We ask that, before the cycleway is made permanent, a full review is undertaken and that the input of a wide range of stakeholders informs the final shape of the cycleway.
We look forward to the publication of the detailed design for later sections of the cycleway in the coming weeks. In particular, we are keen to see the details for the junction at Drumcondra Rd. We may offer further comments at that stage.
Thank you for your attention.
Catherine Hazlett
All Hallows Area Association.